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What feelings come up when you think of summer ending and autumn creeping in? Is it one of refreshment and excitement for the new season to begin? Or perhaps you're disappointed for the summer fun in the sun to come to an end? Which side of the road are you on? As for me, I am excited about autumn, this is the time of year when the sweltering heat of the southern California summers starts to let up and give us a much-needed break from the heat. 

If summer's half as busy for you as it is for most, the impending fall season may feel like an incredibly necessary wind-down time. As the weather begins to cool down and we gear up for a change, it's the perfect time to reevaluate your goals that may have slacked off after New Years, and use this time as a second resolution season.

What in your life needs a fresh start? Think about 1 or 2 things that would improve your life for the better, that you've been meaning to get around to doing. Does this mean going to bed earlier on a regular basis? Making sure you eat fruits and veggies daily? Choose just a few things so you can stick with it!

What goals are you striving to achieve that need a tweaking? Anything you've been working on that's taking longer than expected? That could mean you just need to slightly tweak your plan to make it more actionable, less daunting and more easily accessible. What could that be?

What projects around the house didn't get checked off during Spring Cleaning? Is the closet still overflowing and the basement a mess? What project can you tackle that you've been putting off?

Aside from the beautiful colors, delicious seasonal foods and crisp air that autumn brings, it brings a new chance for achieving your goals by the end of the year as well. Don't feel guilty if your new year resolutions fell to the side -- pick them back up and reach your goals. 

So, what will it be for you? Are there 1 or 2 things you can plan on doing or finishing up on for your autumn fresh start? Comment below and let us know what you choose.

Charleen Cuellar

Your Wellness Transformations Coach

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